Monday, May 24, 2010

Net Change -11.8 lbs & -5.5 total inches

This weekend was a little tough. I cheated on Friday. It was kind of a weird cheat though. I sort of planned it. I got a call from a friend who has kids the same ages as mine and she offered a night of free babysitting so me and DH can have a date night. Hello, I would have been crazy to pass that up. So, after dropping of the children, DH and I tried to decide what to do. We decided that dinner was out, since it would be hard for me to find something that would fit into protocol and not be expensive. We went to see a movie, DH still needed to eat and so did I, so we got a tub of pop corm (with the butter topping)... my favorite. I usually pass up chocolate for movie theatre popcorn. Well, I didn't end up eating much. It tasted nasty. Like cardboard covered with vegetable oil. I think the HCG has heightened my tasted buds and it making me super sensitive. The good news in the end, I didn't gain anything as a result of my little indiscretion. Thankfully. I do plan on cheating again though...

I have a pretty big milestone coming up. I am 11 pounds from the big 200 mark. I have not been under 200 lbs since my wedding (8 years ago) and I had to hire a personal trainer to do that. So, getting under 200 is a big deal for me, and I decided to reward myself when I do. I am going to cheat. All I want is a latte. I am still craving diary, specifically in my coffee. I tried this weekend to add some sugar-free flavors to brewed coffee, it didn't work. I need the creamy addition of the milk to make it taste good. Therefore, I have decided that when I see 199 on the scale, I will treat myself to one (only one) Tall Non-Fat Sugar-Free Vanilla Iced Latte. I will suffer through the consequences, but it will be worth it. Maybe just the boost I will need to go another month.

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